Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy Happy 2011

First off, any year that begins on a Saturday is tops in my book!  I think that says a lot about this year's personality - laid back and not taking itself to seriously.  Only time will tell.

So, I had a wonderful break last week, but I must say I really missed blogging!  I am very glad to be back at it this week.  I thought I would start the year off in the most traditional way . . . the dreaded list.

I've never been big on resolutions.  For me, the minute I tell myself I can't have or do something, I become fixated on wanting it.  I am way better off thinking about things I would like to do and giving myself 365 days to put it into action.  Also, life is so full of restrictions, rules and un-fun responsibilities that I've decided to put together a list of "try its" (as my daughter's brownie troop calls it) to look forward to in the new year.  So here goes it - in no particular order.

1.  Paint my Kitchen - All my close friends know how I feel about the light maple cabinets in my kitchen and breakfast room.  It's truly the only thing about my house that I would change instantly, if given a genie wish!  

2.  Plan More Girl's Weekends - I organized one of these last Spring, and had a blast.  I really think girls need to get together at least quarterly throughout the year. 

3.  Go to Scott's Antique market in Atlanta more often(maybe make it a girl's weekend and knock out #2 at the same time)!  

4. Create Some "Summer Boredom" for my kids.   If you don't know what "summer boredom" is then you are very young( which means you grew up with tons of technology) or you are from a very large city.  "Summer boredom" is when a child has absolutely nothing to do but when thrown in with other kids, will create games and activities independent of you that are completely clever.  They will spend hours (maybe even days) outdoors playing these made up games without a single care in the world.  They will create memories that will stay with them for a life time.  I can make myself laugh out loud if I think of some of the stuff we did as kids during some summer boredom.

5. Meet some of the bloggers that I have gotten to know (via email) during my very short time doing this blog.  There are some very cool people out there with some of the most interesting thoughts on interior design.  I would love to actually meet a few of them and talk about blogging.  I know I still have tons to learn about it all. 

6.  Have more improptu gatherings at our house.  Whether it's cocktails with a neighbor after working in the yard all day on a Saturday, a Pot of soup and sports on TV on a Sunday evening, or a cookout (once the weather warms up).  I really want to invite people to our home on a more casual basis.

7. Pray more - I have a wonderful devotional book (some of you know about it, b/c I've given you a copy of it) that has the most enlightening thoughts in it.  It was written by a missionary's wife in 1925 "Mrs. Charles B. Cowan" (in 1925, it wasn't proper for a woman to use her own name, in this case Lettie Cowan).  The book is entitled "Streams in the Dessert."  I got my copy on Ebay years ago.  I love reading the daily entries, but don't always make time to do it.  I would like to read it daily followed by a quiet time of prayer.

8. Learn a new skill - (maybe knitting) or something else that I have no clue about at the moment.

9. Be more frugal.  Think of new ways to do more with less with interior design, but also lots of other things (like cooking, fashion, etc.).

10.  Laugh more - I know that sounds corny, but I really think this encompasses so many different things that I wanted to include it.  This past year (for lots of reasons I will not go into) has made me so much more appreciative of my blessings.  I want to focus on them more this year and less on the "if only's" that creep into my mind. (i.e. if only I were thinner, smarter, busier, [you fill in the blank])

So, that's my list.  I have a little bit of everything on there from frivolous to serious.  What's on your list?  

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