Friday, January 14, 2011

Happy Dance!

I found out this week I have been awarded the Stylish Blogger Award from two of my favorite bloggers.  They both have amazing style and their blogs are part of my "morning coffee" routine every single day! 

Sherry at Design Indulgence is an interior designer/blogger in Atlanta.  Her style has a twist making every space she designs unique, but ultra chic.  She recently did a nursery that is second to none on my list of nurseries. 

Amanda at Casa Brasi is currently in design school, and she is truly on fire.  I read her posts and think how in the world did she think of that!  Sometimes they are the simplest of ideas, but they always give massive impact.

Thank you to both of you for thinking of me! 

So, I'm told that I need to share 7 things about myself and then send the award to 7 others.  Frankly, this part feels a little bit like those recipe chain emails that you get sucked into.  Where does it end?  But, I am still doing it, because I never win anything and winning feels good. :) In fact, it feels so good that I want some else to feel the love.  Here are my seven facts:

1.  Growing up, my room had an accent wall of Holly Hobbie wallpaper . . . 

 And I HATED it - I would lie awake at night and dream of putting mustaches on every single one of the little girls.  I also rearranged my room almost once a week when I was a kid - often covering the accent wall with furniture.
2.  I graduated pre-med from Ole Miss and then at the last minute decided to go to law school. What can I say?  I just wasn't ready to leave that beautiful Oxford campus.
3.  After law school, I lived and worked in Atlanta as a lawyer for six years, met my husband on a blind date, got married and moved to Birmingham where I continued to practice law for another 4 years.
4. My favorite color my entire life has been brown (even as a child, I wanted a brown Easter dress and shoes - drove my Mom insane!)
5. I dislike, ok - I must be honest, I hate bell peppers (green, red or yellow).  I hate them raw or cooked in anything.  I also don't cook with them, so my kids have no idea what they taste like!
6. Guilty pleasure - watching reruns of The Office.  It's funny because I cringe and laugh all at the same time.  I think it's my legal background and all those potential lawsuits every time Michael opens his mouth - nervous laughter. 
7.  And for a little known fact, I can tie a knot in a cherry stem with my tongue! (something else I learned to do while on that Oxford campus).

I know most of these are totally random, but that is what was on my mind!  

Now for the love.  Here are seven more blogs that rock my boat on a weekly basis.  I hope you find time to check them out.  They are all very different, but I like variety and I think it's important as a designer to appreciated all different types of styles.  Otherwise, every space you do will look the same, and I refuse to do this with interiors I work on!  I am sure some of these blogs have already been nominated (like the recipe emails), so if that's the case, the circle meets its end. 

[In the background you hear a little kid yell] "Tag - You're it!"

I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend! M.

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